LCGSS 2009 Graduation Ceremony

Due to a $600.00 yearly donation from our Executive Committee, LCGSS was able to have their second graduation ceremony, for the school year ending 2009.  Attached in PDF format you will find some interesting documents to read that will outline the current situation at the school and secondary education in the Berbice area as whole.

Keynote speech from Dr. Samad who is the Director of the University of Guyana
Berbice campus (4 pages)

Dr. Samad recently visited all the secondary schools in Berbice and talks about what he found and also his impressions of LCGSS.  His speech was very inspirational to the graduates and their families and overall, its very informative to read.

Dr. Samad Keynote Speech

General Report on the 2008-2009 school year given by Acting Headmaster Imran Ally:

This is a detailed 5 page report informing the progress and achievements made by the students, and the improvements made at the school by donations from both the USA and Canadian Alumni Associations.  It also outlines the challenges facing LCGSS.  This is important reading so that each of us can understand in better detail what is happening at LCGSS.

2008-2009 School Report

Disbursement summary of the $600.00 donation, prepared by LCGSS. (2 pages)

It is interesting to read all the various items that were needed by the school to put on the graduation.

Disbursement Summary