
Attached below is the following:

1) A ticket from our Fund Raiser as a momento of the evening.

2) A Raffle ticket that shows the 3 prizes of the event and the actual 3 winning ticket stubs.  We are pleased to recap now on our website the winners and something about them:

First prize of $500.00 was won by Rabindranauth Rajkumar class 80.  Raj was kind enough to donate back to the fundraiser $100.00 of his winnings. 
Thank you again for your generosity Raj and congratulations.

Second prize of $300.00 has a nice background and was won by the Krellenstein family of Manhasset, NY.  The Krellensteins are not connected with Guyana in any way but were kind enough to buy $100.00 worth of raffle tickets as they were impressed with the cause.  Their kindness was rewarded with the second prize.

Thank you again to the Krellensteins and we could say here that “one good deed deserves another”.

Third prize of $100.00 was won by Bebe Belkin class 76.

Congratulations here to Bebe.
