Minutes of 5/23/15  NY Executive Committee meeting

Venue: Carib Cabana, Jamaica

Time:  800-1030pm

Attending:  Kris Lachman, Howard Bernstein, Riaz Bacchus, Ameer Gulmohamad, Shirley Brijlal, Radha Bernstein. Leela and Frank Tikkasingh

Items discussed:

1) $10,000.00 donation from the Agnes Varis Trust:  Through the excellent efforts of Leela Tikkasingh, sister of Radha Bernstein, we received a donation of $10,000.00.  This is a wonderful contribution that will allow us to now do so many good things for the school.  We are discussing how best to re-orientate our approach to funding the school.

2) Restoration of science lab is needed as the room is non-functional. Pamela has given us an estimate of US$1015 to do the job but we need to find out :
A) what teaching equipment do they currently have and what is needed once the room has been restored
B) What will the room be used for
C) Who is the science teacher
D) What will the curriculum be

3) LCSS was to have a fund raiser in May to obtain money to pay for the paper needed for exams.  We will find out how that went
4) Book wish list was given to us and we will ask Pamela to get a proforma invoice from a local book store to see what the cost is.  Then we can decide how much of it we will fund.
5) Kris is to get from Pamela the receipts for the work done on the teacher’s lounge
6) Scholarships:  We have again agreed that we will fund scholarships to UG and Riaz will be emailing us a plan for approval
7) Website: Our website needs to be redone and Howard will look into getting some professional help.