8/1/09 Dinner & Dance Fund Raiser

WOW!! That’s all we can say. With nearly 200 in attendance we had such a blast! Folks were treated to an amazing event that evening which raised $7,443. There was an abundance of food, lots to drink and an excellent DJ with Karaoke too. The dance floor was constantly packed and the event was an overall tremendous success. We don’t know what more to say here and we are all so elated. Thanks to everyone for their support. A lot of people donated food, they know who they are, thanks again.

Long Term Goals:
Ideally we would like to build a new school due to the conditions of the current deteriorating infrastructure. We will shortly begin the initial stages of reaching out to important people such as Bill Gates and Oprah  (any resources and networking are encouraged from all alumni to make this a success). After the website is where we would like it to be, we will create a power point presentation to assist in solicitation efforts. Who knows what can happen here.
Short term Goals:
In the meantime we will continue to have fundraising events to raise monies to address smaller, immediate needs for the school, students and teachers, and we will have a lot of fun doing this. Judging from responses and feedback the last few days, we are hoping to be able to raise more than what we did on 8/1/09. We will definitely need a larger venue than Krystal Hall.

The NY Committee along with many alumni and friends are very happy with the way things are going. As the LCGSS-AA Family continues to grow we welcome each and every one of you to share your ideas, thoughts and to be involved in our activities.

The NY LCGSS Committee
Individually we may rise but together we can soar to new heights. Querer es poder.